Apparel and Textile Distributors
Distribution and ERP Software for Apparel and Textile Distributors
As an apparel or textile distributor, you have the challenges of multiple sizes and colors for for each item. You need to maintain inventory that is received by the roll and sold in a different unit of measure. DistributionPlus distribution and ERP software for apparel and textile distributors has a product matrix to manage inventory of multiple sizes and colors, a flexible unit of measure conversion, and much more.
Apparel and Textile Distributor Specific Technology
- Product matrix for managing inventory of sizes and colors.
- Landed cost tracking.
- Automated forecasting and planning.
- Barcode scanning for effortless inventory management and warehouse management.
- Textile rolls are treated as lots, and inventory is maintained by roll.
- Product used is automatically subtracted from the roll as it is used.
- Textile inventory can be maintained by the roll.
- eCommerce and customer portal integration.
Inventory Management
An inventory management solution that is tightly integrated with purchasing, sales and quoting, accounting, and warehouse management to ensure that you have optimal inventory, and you that you are always viewing inventory levels in real-time.
Warehouse Management
Take control of your warehouse with a warehouse management system (WMS) that will track your inventory from the moment it arrives until it is shipped. Advanced put-away and picking technology will increase efficiencies in your warehouse and can prevent costly mistakes.
Powerful traceability capabilities for end to end track and trace on lots and serial numbers. If an item is broken down to smaller units, all of the smaller units inherit the characteristics of the original. Get insight to where raw materials were used and where they were sent, or where they are currently stored.